
Sunday 21 August 2016

App of the Moment: Love Food Hate Waste

The app we'll be looking at this time is the Love Food Hate Waste app.  This was developed by WRAP (a British charity) and was designed to help us reduce food waste.  This is a particular problem as we throw away around 10 million tonnes of food and drink every year, more than half of which we could have actually eaten.  70% of this waste occurs in our homes.  Not only is this bad for the environment producing roughly 20 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, but it is costing families between £470 a year for the average family to £700 for family with children.  All this information can be found on the WRAP and Love Food Hate Waste websites.
When you first open the app you can choose how you would like to log onto the app.  You can skip this part if you are just wanting to look at the recipes and portion sizes, but if you're looking to use the app to its full capacity then you will need to log in.
The app is pretty easy to use and self-explanatory and the first page takes you to the main menu page.
The first link takes you to all the recipes that are stored in this app.  If you are looking for a recipe for a particular item you can just put this in the search engine and it will bring up all the recipes that contain this ingredient.
The first page of the recipe give you basic information about the recipe and the ingredients.  The best bit is that is shows you who has actually added the recipe showing that is has actually been used by everyday people rather than recipes put together by a chef.  You can then slide along the screen to find out more.
The first swipe takes you to the hints and tips page giving advise on simple ways to reduce waste.
A second swipe allows you to change the number of people this recipe has to feed and changes here will change the ingredients list to ensure you only make enough to feed the family and reduce waste.
The last swipe takes you to the share section of the recipe, allowing you to share it with whoever you feel would benefit.
The next section on the main menu is the Portion Planner, which ensures that you are buying and cooking the right amount of food for each meal.
First you can select the category of the food from the top row and then something more specific in the bottom.  Once you have selected the product you would like you can change the exact number of adults and children the ingredient will have to feed and then click on Go.
This will then give you the exact weight you will need to buy which can be added to your shopping list on the app.
The third section is the Planner.  Meal planning is something that I already do, but at the moment I just use the good old fashioned monthly calendar to do this.  I am interested in using this section of the app as it would allow me to reduce using as much paper as I do now.  It would also make it much easier to base my recipes on what I already have, reducing the amount of food I could end up wasting, and also include my breakfast and lunch.  To add a meal just click plus sign.
You can then add a recipe already on the app or make up a new one of your own.
The fourth section is My Kitchen.  I haven't added any information to this section yet and I believe that, initially, this will be part of the app that requires the most amount of work as you will need to add all the ingredients you already have in your kitchen.  If you're anything like me you will already have quite a few items put away here and there, so it should be quite an interesting rummage around the kitchen.  As you use the app to meal plan and go shopping you won't need to keep adding these, unless you buy items not actually on the list.  You will also be able to use this list to work out what recipes you can already produce with what you have by clicking on Find A New Recipe.  To add an item click on the cross.
You can then add the items and, most importantly, the use by date.  This will help you ensure that you are using products up before they have to get thrown away.  It is important to remember at this point that for some products, like vegetables, don't need to be thrown out by the use by date put on my our shops, but can be kept for longer as long as they are still fresh.  To me this part is only important for canned and frozen products, and meat.
Next on the menu is the Shopping List.  If you have been picking recipes or determining portion sizes etc you will already have items on this shopping list.  But you can add more by clicking on the plus.
Then add the ingredient and the portion size.  It will let you know if you already have duplicates in your kitchen and, once you have been shopping, you can add the ingredients to your kitchen list.
The last section in the menu is the profile.  This not only give you information about the app but is also where you can update your personal details, the numbers of members in the household, and have a look at your achievements so far.

To me this is a good app to not only save on food waste but to also help you be more healthy by helping you actually cook the amount of food you should be eating instead of making, and then eating, too much.  When I first started concentrating on the size of the portions I was eating I was amazed at much over the right amount I was actually consuming.  It might not help you pick more sustainable food, but with the readily available recipes on the app it can help you cook more from fresh and this does make it easier for your to pick the healthier, more sustainable, option.

The app is free from the Love Food Hate Waste for both the iPhone and Android phone so it's definitely worth having a look at.

Sunday 14 August 2016

August The Vegan Kind subscription box

Ok, so my first day of going sugar free may have got ever so slightly sabotaged by this lovely box appear on my doorstep on Monday.  However, I did want to wait a whole month before getting this post out, so I sat and had a quick naughty nibble of everything.
As usual, when you open the box the first thing you come to is the leaflet with all the details about the products, the guest recipe provider (this time Sharon from Bit if the Good Stuff), and the charity they are support.  The charity is One Kind, a Scotland based charity that works to end cruelty to animals in Scotland and they get 10p per box.
I really like the look of these Bit of the Good Stuff Summer Rolls.  They look something similar to the sushi like rolls I do, but I've never tried rice paper and I'm very keen on the peanut sauce - looks like I have a few ingredients to add to my shopping list this weekend.
I've been on a savoury kick recently so it wasn't surprising that the Hippeas Pepper Power was the first thing I decided to try.  I love that they are made out of chickpeas and I especially like how satisfyingly crunchy these are.  One thing I will say is the pepper is very strong.
I always get a little excited when I see chewy sweets I can actually eat and the Candy Kittens Sweet Pineapple Vegan Sweets didn't disappoint.  They had the satisfying chewy texture, but, while I did get some pineapple flavour, they tasted more like lemons then pineapple to me.  Not that I'm disappointed about that, I love the taste of lemons. I'm going sugar free at the moment, but this would be great to satisfy your sugar tooth if you're not.
I would pick this up on the name alone.  I would say the Squirrel Sisters Coconut Raw Energy Bar is perfect for people who like protein bars or are doing something active, like trekking, and need a small but energy packed snack.  The flavour was also pretty good, I just wasn't too keen on the texture.
I really liked these Landgarten Organic Dark Choco Balls.  They were just the right amount of bitterness and sweetness and I love dark chocolate.  So does my partner, it turns out, who scoffed the rest of the packet.
I was definitely interested in these Follow Your Heart Vegan Egg as I am actually searching for an alternative to eggs at the moment.  I do love the packaging, so old school egg box, but I don't love the actual product.  I tired making the scrambled egg recipe they had on the box and, while it did smell like eggs, the texture and taste weren't like eggs or particularly nice.  It's not something I would go for in the future, but I think would work if you were needing to replace an egg in the recipe where it is not the main item or for binding.  I will try it in these ways and see.  Looking at their website I have noticed that they have vegan cheese so I am intrigued.
The Vegan Kind always do great no food items in their box.  So far I've used and loved everyone of them, so I'm very hopeful about this Native Unearthed Deodorant as I've been having difficulty finding a more natural deodorant.  Firstly I have sensitive skin so anything with bicarb or corn starch in feels like I've been going at my skin with sandpaper and this doesn't contain either.  I also sweat a lot and finding a natural product just sweats off my body, so it'll be interesting to see how this does.  So am looking forward to giving it a go, once I've used up my other deodorants, and will report back.
The last items was a coupon code for Friction Free Shaving, which is basically a subscription that sends you a new razor every week to help stop you overusing yours and damaging your skin.  I'm not suing razors for hair removal at the moment, but my partner still shaves regularly, on old blades, and his face really shows it sometimes.  I might see if I can tempt him with this.

I think this may be the last The Vegan Kind Box I get, not because I don't like this subscription box as I think that it's a great way of seeing what vegan food you can eat, but because I want to eat less processed food in general.  If you're starting off as a vegan and you want to see what food (and other products) you can use then this is a great way of doing it.

Click here to read my blogs on the AprilMayJune, and July The Vegan Kind boxes.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Project Pan Update #7 and Other Products

This month hasn't been a particularly good month for actually finishing off products from my project pan, but there has been progress in almost all of products.

When it comes to the eye shadows the white eye shadow is definitely the one that has made the most progress, which is probably due to me also using it as a highlighter, but the grey eyeshadow is the one I'm happiest about as it looks like something is actually happening with it, finally!  The other eyeshadows are going at the same pace as before, but I'm really not holding my breath that any of these are going to be finished in the next five months.  I've added my Natural Collections eyeshadow to the palette to use as a base eyeshadow for blending.

Now for the never ending Elf eyeliner.  It is so small now and yet still going strong.  I'm hoping August will be the month I finally finish this.  That being said, it's clearly good value for money if you're looking for a pigmented eyeliner that lasts for a long time.

This next product is the one I'm most excited about and that is the Lily Lolo eye primer. The yellow primer is almost finished and I am beginning the think that the whole product might actually be finished by the end of the year.  I just need to keep plodding at it.

I have basically only worn my Mac Creme Cup lipstick in July. Yet, despite using it almost every day, it has hardly gone down at all.  I've worn it so much I've got a little bored of it and I think I'll wear different colours this month.  So, I'm swapping this for my Jane Iredale sample lip stain and some of the other testers I have from Urban Decay in August.  I'm also going to wear some of my other lipsticks that have sat in a draw for the last seven months.

A couple of products that I have been working on, but haven't actually put in my updates yet, are the Wella System Professional Polish Cream and from Nature Coconut Lip Butter.  These have been going slow but steady throughout the year and I'm just going to be keep going till they are all gone.  I'm hoping they'll be gone by the end of the year, but I'm not sure about the Polish Cream.

I've finally got back into wearing nail varnish again, but it's going to be a while before another nail polish comes up in this blog.

The last three items are not on my project pan, but are part of my attempt to reduce the number of the products I have.  The first is Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Light.  Don't let the fact that all the writing has rubbed off fool you, for the price, this is a really good concealer and works really well and Collection is cruelty free.
The perfume is Jimmy Choo's Illicit.  I don't actually know if Jimmy Choo is cruelty free, but I don't think I'll buy the full size of this as, despite really likely the smell, as the scent does not last very long.  This is my last perfume tester, so now I'll work on my full size perfumes.
Finally, the Urban Decay tester in Ex-girlfriend.  I thought I would really like this as I liked the look of the colour, but I didn't think that it was particularly pigmented enough.  As the colour was very close to my own I was hoping that I could use it to define my lips more, which don't actually have a defined line, but the lack of pigmentation meant that this wouldn't really work.  I might look at the lip pencil though - once I'm through with this.