
Thursday 31 August 2017

Beating PCOS: diet

Diet isn't particularly a good word anymore. It conjures up ideas of watercress soup, feeling hungry practically all the time, and then putting back in all the weight you lost and then some.

Before I discovered I had PCOS I had tried to have a healthy diet and to exercise regularly.  For anyone else it would have meant being slim and healthy, but for me it meant remaining plum and feeling disheartened that work I was doing was having no effect on my body.  For me it was, and still is, important to be healthy and I knew that the size I was meant a higher chance of getting Type II diabetes and having high cholesterol (obviously having PCOS increased this even further).  After I found out that I had PCOS I decided to research into what I could do to help deal and, in particular, if there were any changes I could make to my diet that would have a positive effect.  This is what I found out and what changes I made.

Firstly, as is the case with basically everyone, avoiding refined carbohydrates like white bread and cakes is hugely important.  These types of foods give you sugar highs, followed by sugar crashes making you want more.  This has leads to problems with your insulin level and weight, and is particularly bad for those of us which already have raised insulin levels.

Secondly, you want to combine complex unrefined carbohydrates (think vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, and oats) with proteins (like nuts, seeds, fish, lean meats, and eggs).  This will help regulate your blood sugar levels and prevents you from getting the insulin spikes that can be a problem.  If you can, eat little and often as this also helps keep your blood sugar level consistent.

The next piece of advise might seem a little odd, but it's the one that has had the most impact for me, and that is to avoid dairy.  The reason behind this is that milk contains an insulin-like growth factor (not surprisingly) which can interfere with the hormone balance.  These are easy enough to replace with plant based milks, but be sure to look for those which are fortified with calcium.

The last thing usually recommended for those suffering from PCOS are supplements.  These include chromium and B vitamins to help stabilise blood sugar levels and makes insulin more effective, zinc for reproductive hormones, magnesium the lack of which is linked to PCOS, as well the amino acids N-acetyl cysteine and L-arginine to help with insulin sensitivity.  I don't actually take any supplements as I am trying to get everything I need from my diet, but this may change in the future.

So, what does a day of food look like for me.  Breakfast is usually porridge with cinnamon, chai seeds, and some fruit (usually peach slices).  Morning break is a fruit of some form and a handful of mixed nuts.  Lunch used to contain quinoa as this is shown to be one of the healthiest options, but is now two wholemeal rolls (for ease) with spinach, peppers, and some type of vegan Quorn.  We don't normally get an afternoon snacks, but when I get home I try to have something healthy like half an avocado.  Dinner is a little more tricky as I don't have the cooking facilities I would like to be able to cook all the things I would like so it normally consists of a couple of different types of veggie burgers (not ideal) and then a whole load of steamed vegetables.  I try and change the vegetables I eat on a daily basis to help ensure I get all the nutrients I need.  It actually seems quite a lot when I make it, but as my job is quite active at the moment I need to make sure I eat enough for that without spiking my insulin levels.

Of course, it goes without saying that exercise is also hugely important for helping to keep you healthy and to help you loss and keep off the weight you will have had.  Now I do most of my exercising during work, but before I made sure I ran three times a week and walked practically everywhere.  It's worth pointing out that women with PCOS usually gain weight for metabolic reasons rather than the amount that they eat and that it can be harder to lose weight once you've gained it.  However, it is possible to do if you work on what you eat and on getting enough exercise.  I haven't managed to make my diet perfect and I do slip up regularly (in fact I'm drinking fizzy water at the moment as I try and get myself of fizzy sodas), but I have still managed to lose weight.  Four stone in total.  And it's all thanks to the changes I have managed to make to my diet.

Monday 21 August 2017

My Nighttime Routine - Beauty

I've been having YouTube on whilst I've been doing housework and decluttering and have just been letting it run on autoselect.  A few videos came up in a row showing what people's nighttime and morning routine is, mainly on the beauty side of things.  I thought, as I'm making my beauty routine more simple and natural, it might be interesting to document what I'm doing at the moment.  So, let's start with my nighttime routine as this is the longest.......

If I've been wearing makeup or feel that my face is particularly dirty I will first give my face an oil cleanse using either Coconut oil or Olive oil and a warm flannel.  This always feels like it's really cleaning out my pores but I would recommend using Coconut oil if you are prone to spots.

After that or if I don't need to do an oil cleanse then I wash my face with my Friendly Soap Aloe Vera bar soap.  I love this soap as it doesn't feel like it dries out my skin (either on my face or body) at all.

The next step for me is the toner which is literally just Witch Hazel in a spray bottle.  I've used this for years and I know it can irritate some people's skin, but it works great for me and I find really helps soaths any allergy irritation and cuts and bruises.  

For my moisturizer I use the oil mixture I make up myself and wrote up about in my blog on my natural facial oils (stored in Holland and Barrett container).  This one has a mixture of Jojoba oil, Avocado oil, Rosehip oil, and Frankincense essential oil.  I put this on quite early on in the night to let it sink into the skin and then I'll add more later on to areas that need it.  If I really feel that I need more moisture then I also add on the Jason Age Renewal Vitamin E 25,00 i.u.

I try to remember to do an extra step designed to help with my dry skin, especially as the dry skin stops me getting moisturizer to the lower layers.  I don't really use physical exfoliators anymore but I do use the Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel Sensitive.  This can sting most of the time, but it is really effective at removing dry skin and my face always feels so soft afterwards.  I usually do this step before the toning and moisturising, usually extra moisturising.  I also have some loose clay which can be made into a mask but which  I have fallen out of using.  This is a great mask though and worked really well on my skin so I definitely want to add this back in.

I will write a blog about my morning routine soon - but that will be a very short blog.

Sunday 6 August 2017

Project Pan 17 Update #7 and Other Products

It's definitely getting a lot harder to use up products now that I'm not wearing makeup every day, but I'm still doing my best to get through all the items and it's much better now that I've decluttered a few items.

I have finally managed to finish off the Jean Paul Gaultier Eau De Parfum.  I've been wearing it everyday, even when working out in the field.  Even so, this perfume does last a very long time to get through, especially as I never had to reapply it during the day.  It is still one of my favourite perfumes and actually my signature scent, but I'm trying to find more natural perfumes and one that I can be certain is cruelty free.

The Barry M nail varnish in Black is also going a long quite quickly.  It's not as opaque as I thought it might be so I've had to put on thicker layers then normal.  This has helped get through it quicker then my previous varnishes.  I'm hoping it'll actually be done by next month and I can move onto the Red colour.  Barry M is a cruelty free brand.

On the eyeshadow front it's difficult to see any changes in the Urban Decay Naked palette, probably because I am only using it on the weekends, but I am still making good progress on the Natural Collections shadow in Sable.  I'm using this product every time I wear makeup as a base eyeshadow over my primer and under my eyes on top of my concealer. Both of these companies are cruelty free.

As always, the Barbara Day eye primer, MUA powder foundation in Shade 4 and the Bourjois blusher in Ceidre 48 are still showing little progress compared to last time.  There is some progress from when I first started using them at the beginning of the year, but I won't get these finished by the end of it.  I am starting to use the foundation through my eye crease as well as to contour my face.  It's hardly going to make a huge difference, but every little counts.

The other products I've finished this month are the Bellapierre Cosmetics lipstick in Cat Walk (a cruelty free company) and the Butter London Hardwear P.D. Quick Topcoat (also cruelty free).  I really enjoyed using this lipstick.  It's not a long lasting lipstick, but it's not bad and comparable to other more mainstream lipsticks, but the texture was great and it smelt amazing.  Apparently the colour really suited me, but it's a little too pink for my liking (I prefer the tea rose colour).  However, I was impressed with the lipstick and might get another colour from them in the future - once I've used up all my other lipsticks.  I really liked the Butter London topcoat.  It was a little pricey at £15 (they don't actually make this anymore but I think you can still get this product in some retail stores) but it really did dry really, really quickly, made my nail polish last a long time, and lasted a lot longer than other topcoats I've tried in the past.  I would actually buy it again if they still had it.  Butter London is a cruelty free company.