
Monday 13 August 2018

The Clothing I Own

Last year I wrote a couple of blogs on my favourite clothing out of my wardrobe.  Since then my wardrobe has reduced in size as I've removed items I no longer use or like and changed slightly as the work I do has changed.  I thought I would do a blog on all the clothes I own (not including my very small collection of work out gear, outerwear, and underwear) now that it's much smaller.  The colour palette of my clothes is mainly blues and greens with the neutrals of blacks, greys, and creams.  This hasn't actually been a conscious choice, but more the route that has naturally occured due to the colours I like.

Work Clothes

Starting with my work clothes - it hasn't been necessary to have a large number of these but these do need to be sturdy enough to take the physical work I put them through.  Most of these (the two army trousers, orange shorts, and two t-shirts) are second hand and the fleece is over ten years old and still going strong.  The long sleeve top was brought new last year in a sale, but the plan is to replace it with a second hand item when it wears out.

New and 'Unethical'

Then there are all the new clothes I brought and still have, but haven't been ethically sourced.  Most of these were brought before I started this process and have had for many years, but some have been items I have brought out of necessity.  Once they fall apart I will try and replace them with more ethical items.

Ethical Material

I'm not really someone who's into the leather look, but there are some items which I want to have either the longetivity you normally get with leather (such as the Elvis and Kresse belt) or the structured look.  All these items were brought new.

I also have some organic cotton items which were brought new.  These items have lasted really well (especially my Thought Clothing jeans), especially with the mount of wear I put them through.  I expect to have these for a long time.

Hand Me Downs

There is only one item in the hand me down section which is from my Nan.  It is a beautiful piece which I like pairing with unexpected items, but it is also special as she is no longer with us and it's a nice way of remembering her.


Buying handmade items is a good way of supporting local communities wherever you are.  Most of these are from when I over in Africa, but the jumper is very special as it was made by my Nan (it is also theoretically a hand me down as it started as my older brother's).  The Femme Head is a new piece which has now only been hand printed but the t-shirt itself was thrifted.


There aren't many gift items as I am very difficult to buy for clothes wise.  The fleece is a no brained really as I may have a slight obsession with these.  The dress is not necessarily my style, but it's actually the bridesmaids dress that was brought for me when I was a bridesmaid at my brother's wedding.  ImI keeping it for now, but if I really don't wear it I'll think about getting rid of it.

Pre-loved, Charity Shop, and Vintage

The last section is second hand, predominantly brought in charity shops.  This is how I buy most of the clothing I need now, and charity shops are always my first port of call when I need a new piece.  Whilst I am interested in buying new, but ethical pieces in the future, to me buying second hand is the most ethical way of sourcing clothes and I'll only buy new when second hand just isn't possible.

My wardrobe isn't big by any stretch of the imagination, but it still larger then I actually need.  At the moment I wear and like all the items I own so I will keep them, but I don't intend to add to this only to replace when the time comes that I need to.  I expect it to reduce over time and maybe illIdo another blog this time next year to see the change.

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