
Sunday 14 October 2018

Goals 2018 Update #3

So, we've now finished the third quarter of the year and I have to admit that this quarter has definitely not been as good as the last.  Let's just jump right into it.


This is the one area which has been successful.  I have finished going through and decluttering what I have left at my parents house (though I haven't been able to bring the last of the items back with me) and I have been using up my beauty and toiletries products.  I've also carried on getting rid of items that I've just not been using and I really can't see myself using in the future.  Also, once I've read a book, watched a movie, or am no longer into a CD I'm just donating those as well.  I have brought a few products this month, mainly storage items, but these have been items that I've thought about a lot before purchasing and this had a specific purpose in mind.  

For the last quarter I'll just keep doing the same as before - working on my project use up and getting rid of items I no longer use or want.

Healthy Eating

Well this area has been a complete disaster.  Not only have I not done a very good at going vegan, I've actually gone backwards on the sugar front which has also led me to eating some gluten with bloating, skin itching consequences.  Finding items that are both gluten free and vegan has also been a bit of a struggle.  Basically my excuse is that I've been stressed about some things in my personal life and it has led to me to eating sugary things, which then set off the little sugar addition I have, which led to the fall down the sugar rabbit hole.  It's really not a good reason for allowing myself to get back on the sugar roller coaster and there are much healthier ways to deal with issues which I need to start implementing again.  On the plus side, I have been making much more of my meals from scratch with almost no processed foods during the week (and these meals are meals that have been made for me), it's what I've been taking in between meals that has been the problem.

So the goal for the last quarter is to get myself back off the sugar and the gluten, and back to a healthier less allergy based diet.  This is going to be a little bit of a struggle and I'm expecting to have sugar gremlins dancing in my brain, but this is important to my general well-being and to reduce the allergies I have reducing my need to take antihistamines.  Once I've managed this I'll get back onto moving to a more vegan diet (something that should probably coincide with getting off sugar as most of my meals are vegan and most of my 'treats' not).


This one has been a mixed goal on the success front.  I've been keeping to budgeting, learning more about my spending habits and where I need to improve, but still keeping within my budget total whilst putting money into my pension and savings.  One thing I haven't been able to do with find a sideline I could do to add to my income stream.   This will need to be something that requires the equivalent of one work day hours, but I'm struggling to find something that would fit with the skills I have and don't have.  I'm going to keep looking but if anyone has any ideas please let me know.  

The goals for this last quarter will be to really get to grips with my budget, carry on reducing my spending (which fits with minimising my things), and keep looking for a sideline to do.  I'll also need to look for a winter job as path work reduces over this time of the year.  It might be that I'll be going for an admin job, but we'll see how that goes.  Obviously I'd prefer an outdoor job, but that might not be a possibility.

There is an additional goal I have managed to complete this year that was a long running goal I had kept ignoring, and that was to get my will written.  It's not that I'm particularly afraid of death or worried that writing a will would somehow jinx myself, it's just that it wasn't high on my priority of things to do.  I also don't have a large amount of stuff so it seemed a bit pointless, but I decided to get stop being silly and just get it done, especially as I do have some family heirlooms that would need to be passed on.  I'll be signing it this month and can now cross this off my running to dos.

To say that some of the goals this quarter were a bit of a flop would be an understatement, but rather then just use this as an excuse to let myself slide back into being unhealthy I'm going to use this as an opportunity to learn a little bit more about myself and improve.  I'm getting back on that wagon and will hopefully build some safety rails to stop myself falling off again.  

I hope that you've had a successful goal achieving time this quarter and, if not, I hope that you've learnt something new about yourself and why you might not have got as far as you had hoped.  Three more months to go now, time to buckle down and get it done. 😀

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