
Sunday 24 April 2016

Mini Film Review: Racing Extinction

I want to start a little series (a little like the 'App of the moment') that talks briefly about the films that I've watched which have helped galvanise the decisions I've made about my lifestyle.  They are not necessarily films that got me first thinking about the subject or that gave me any additional information, but they are more visual aids which remind me of why I'm taking steps to leading a more sustainable lifestyle.

The first one I want to write about is the one that means the most to me and that's Racing Extinction.  If people I've met know nothing else about me they know that I love all wildlife and my main focus in living sustainably is to protect that wildlife.  The way I see it, as they evolved on the planet along with us all species have just as much right to be here as we do and we have no right to cause their extinction.  But there is also the fact the health of this planet, and therefore our ability to live on it, relies on these species being here.  Even if you think that it's ok to loose some species, we just don't know which species are important to the health of the ecosystems and therefore can't justify losing any.

In Racing Extinction they document some of the species that are already extinction, are functionally extinct, or are now facing extinction and the activities we are doing that are causing this.  While they only look at a few species, this is true for most species on the planet.  The photography goes between stunning, beautiful footage of the species in their natural habitat to footage of the species now as a product being processed for selling on the market.  The thing that is really highlighted is the sheer unsustainable number of species being removed from the ecosystems that you really can't get your head round until you see the picture.  The footage that had the most impact on me was when they showed the sheer number of shark fins spread out across a few roof tops.

During the documentary they use the latest technology to not only show the amount of carbon dioxide being produced in our day to day activities, but to project the information onto buildings which allows member of the public to see and hear information about a number of species and the issues they are facing today.

It also shows the individuals who are working hard to help highlight the issues and to make a positive difference, showing that it is possible for an individual to make a difference. 

The thing I really love most about this documentary is, while it does honestly portrays the bad situation we are racing towards, it also highlights that we can still make a difference, we can still fix this.  It is possible for us to change our behaviour and save this amazing planet.  They start the campaign 'Start With 1 Thing' (#startwith1thing) in this movie which encourages us to just do one thing to begin with to lower our impact on the planet.  If I was to recommend something it would be to start by looking at what you eat.  It also contains one of my favourite quotes (great for when people say 'Well what's the point?'), which is 'Better to light a candle than rage against the dark'.

You can find Racing Extinction on their website, Twitter @racingextinction, and Instagram @racingextinction.  In the UK you buy the movie on Amazon or through YouTube.  I would definitely recommend it, especially if you're needing a little push.

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