
Sunday 19 February 2017

Being positive when things seem bad.

I was going to write this blog about the election of Trump  and, after a short period to see what he would actually do, see what implications this would have on the protection of the planet.  However, there are enough people discussing this already and, seeing as we can't change this now, would it really be helpful.  So I've decided to write about something else.

A little while ago I saw the card above and bought it for no reason other than to have to look at now and then.  It is amusing, but the reason I brought it is to be a little reminder that, no matter how bad things get, it could be worse.

There have been a lot of changes over the last year and a number of them look like they could have very serious implications for the environment (Brexit and Trump as President are two things that immediately come to mind) and it would be easy to fall into doom and gloom.  The problem with this is that if you only focus on the bad it's easy to get disheartened and to just stop trying.  But, it could be worse.  

Those that are elected to run our countries may seem to be lying gits who turn their back on everything they promise up to the election and put their and their friend's interests first.  But, at least we did get to elect them and if we gave them the power to rule this time we can take it away the next.  Even, while they are in power we can constantly contact our MPs about subjects that are important to us, and the more we do so the more they'll know what will keep them where they want to be - on top. Pester power doesn't just work on parents.  We may need to change the way we vote though (that's whole blog in itself).

There are many people still living a highly unsustainable lifestyle, following the more is better rule we've been taught which is so destructive to the one thing we need to live -  the planet.  Yet there is a growing number of people turning their back on this lifestyle for so many reasons and as more people see how easy and beneficial it is those numbers will increase.

The people who seem to have all the say are those with all the money - the CEOs of companies, stakeholder, supermarkets, the banks......  However, the truth of the matter is that we are the ones giving them the money and we can change what they do by where we decide to put our money. By making more ethical decisions in our purchases we are telling these companies and individuals that this is where they'll make money.  It might start off a bit pricey to begin with, but once more people buy it the cheaper it'll become.  Free range eggs is an example where the prices have dropped over the last few years because it became a more popular choice with us buyers.

Things aren't great at the moment and we're probably worse than the toothbrush, but we're not at the toilet brush yet.  There's still time and...... it could be worse.

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