
Tuesday 14 May 2019

Moving Home: an excuse for more decluttering

This is going to be a very quick blog about a change that has happened recently.  Last month I realised that it was time for me to move.  I really loved the small flat I lived in and the location, but it was time for me to move on to the next stage of my life.

The property I was living in was a studio flat, with one room for living, sleeping, and cooking, and a bathroom attached.  This meant that I had already started the process and mindset of reducing my stuff to fit into the space available.  However, I am now living in a bedroom with a shared bathroom and kitchen, and this has meant that even the amount that I owned before is too much.  This has been a really good incentive to keep downsizing and get rid of even more items.  

The most obvious things to go first were the pieces of furniture I would no longer be needing, such as the clothes rail and coat stand.  However, I have kept my fold up bed and seats as I plan to use these in the future and I can store the easily under my current bed.  But it has also given me a good push to get rid of the things I've been holding onto because I had the space but which I really needed to let go of, such as my folder which contained my training course work and my very old laptop which I kept meaning to 'fix' even though I know it would cost a lot for not much improvement.  

It's funny how the more I do this the easier it becomes and the less attached I feel to things I once thought I would never get rid of.  I still have about five boxes stored at my parent's home, but I'll be travelling down soon and will use that time to have another downsize.  I already know a number of items I'm planning on getting rid and that feels really good.

The plan with this move is to give me more freedom and time to actually see more of the Scotland I've been living in for the last fifteen years.  This is both daunting to me and exciting.

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