
Sunday 25 August 2019

Podcasts I'm Listening To - Learning Whilst Moving

At the moment my work means that I am do two long drives (around 3 hours each) a week in areas where radio reception is very poor at best.  Whilst I have been using some of this time to listen to the CDs I have left to decide whether or not I really want to keep them, it also seemed like a perfect time to do a little bit more learning by listening to some podcasts.  These are the ones I've found so far and listen to on a regular basis.

  • No Such Thing As A Fish - produced and presented by the QI Elves, this is a weekly podcast where they each bring up their favourite fact for that week.  As you can imagine, it's very educational but it's also very, very funny and I often find myself laughing out loud as I drive - something that's probably very disconcerting to other drivers around me.  The thing I love most about this show is that they talk about things I wouldn't normal think to look up and so I learn so much more than I would just left to my own devises.
  • The Ground Up Show -  this is one of the first podcasts that I actually started listening to on a regular basis and is produced and presented by Matt D'Avella (who I also watch on YouTube).  Here Matt talks to different creators about the processes they use and what they've learnt along the way.  It's obviously not as facts based as No Such Thing As A Fish and not every podcast feels like it's necessarily relavent to me.  However, I've still learnt things from each show, even when I wasn't expecting to, and I like the relaxed feel of Matt and his guest talking.  It's particularly interesting to learn about how each individual overcome something they were going through to get to where they are today - a nice little reminder that not everyone always has it together all the time.
  • Science Vs - is another facts based podcast and will also have you unexpectedly laughing at topics.  This is a Gimlet podcast and it takes all the trends and opinions that are out there at the moment and breaks them down using facts.  The subjects can be very varied from week to week and can be quite hard hitting.  And, again, I like the fact that I'll be listening about subjects I wouldn't normally choose to look up myself.  I'm finding handing this decision to someone else a very useful tool.  Probably my favourite one so far has been about Sharks and the completely misguided information that has been put out about them.  Like the idea they can smell a drop of blood in a swimming pool - not actually true apparently.
  • Nature's Voice - this is the RSPB's podcast.  Produced on a monthly basis I've found it a pretty good way of getting the latest information about current, mostly bird but also other wildlife news.  They also have little features and interviews with people working in the field and, whilst most of the ones I've listened to so far have been UK based, this is information about projects going on further afield as well.  It is quite a dry podcast, but I don't mind that.
  • Pulse of the Planet - this is a really lovely little podcast, and I say little because each show is only 2 minutes long.  Produced daily, you get a sound portrait of Planet Earth covering the rhymes of nature, culture, and science.  The subjects vary greatly and you can find yourself listening to serenading moths one day and a Texas rodeo the next.
  • Normal To Nomad - is a pretty new podcast (they first uploaded on the 16th July 2019) and is produced and presented by Elsa Rhae and Barron Link.  I actually found these guys on YouTube as well where they've been documenting their life in the US living in a Scamp with their dog Kamp.  They only have five shows up at the moment, but it looks like they'll be posting on a weekly basis so this'll add up quickly.  There is lots of information on their channel about living this type of lifestyle, but I love how specific these podcasts are, honing in on one specific subject.  It works well with the more varied subjects they cover on their YouTube videos.  I'm glad they've started podcasting.

There are some new podcasts that I've started listening to and am enjoying so far but can't really give a proper review about.  They are:
  • Sustainable World Radio - Ecology and Permaculture Podcast - I've only listened to one episode of this, which was an interview with Dr Monica Gagliano about her research into plant cognition, but it was interesting and not a subject I would necessarily have picked so I'm keen to listen to more.
  • Warming Signs - this podcast looks at the most pressing environmental issues of the moment, interviewing experts and using facts to look at what's really going on.  One of the shortest podcasts on this list, I've found this a really good, unbiased way of learning a little bit more about the subjects I'm interested in.
  • Sustainababble - I've only listened to two episodes of this podcast and already I love it.  Very funny, but full of facts and information, this is a weekly podcast that looks at a variety of environmental issues and exposing what they call 'eco-guffs'.  Definitely worth a listen and I'm looking forward to the next one.
I've also been finding myself listening to these podcasts as I potter around the hostel I'm staying at whilst sorting out my gear and getting ready for the next day.  It's a great way to give myself something interesting to do whilst carrying out those mindless tasks.  What's not to love about that.  Oh, and if you're wondering, I listen to them on Google Podcasts.  At least for now.

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