
Sunday 5 April 2020

Goals for 2020 Update #1

What a beginning to 2020 it has been.  Whilst we knew about Covid-19 at the end of 2019, I don't think we realised just how bad it was going to get or that it would have the affect it would on everything that we now do.  It's easy to get overwhelmed about things like this, but there are things that I've been doing to help me feel calm and lead as normal a life as possible in these situations.  Part of that has been keeping up with my goals.  So this is how they've been going:

British Sign Language Learning

This has been a pretty good one for me.  I managed to finish my online course and got a lovely certificate for it (always pleasing).  I've been practicing my sign language as best I can since this has finished but, funnily enough, finding actual people to practice this with hasn't really been an option at this moment in time.  As soon as I can I'll be looking for a group I can join to keep practicing this skill and hopefully I'll be able to move to a fully fledged BSL speaker in the coming years. 

Financial Fitness

This first quarter has been quite slow, which is to be expected with not being able to work whilst in New Zealand. However, payments towards the credit card debit has still been paid and I'm hoping this will increase in intensity over the next few months.  Of course, this all depends on what work I can do during the lock downs right now.  I still think there's a possibility I can pay it all off by the end of June, but I'm just going to have to be a little bit stricter with myself over the next few months.  The plan is to do what I can to stay on tract with this and I have even registered with some side hustles to help reach this goal by the end of the year.  Having some of my work be online work should also hopefully mean that I'm not too affected by Covid-19 and can carry on earning whatever changes it brings.

Being a Tourist

This has been a pretty easy goal to do this quarter whilst I've been in New Zealand and whilst the corona virus hasn't been too bad.  Obviously it's entirely different now that self isolation is such an important part of keeping this virus as bay.  Looks like I'm going to be spending the next quarter planning what I'm going to be doing once I can finally leave these four walls properly.  Bit travelling around New Zealand has been pretty amazing, even if the virus did stop le from seeing two places I really wanted to see. 

Paperless Productivity

This one I've been keeping a monthly update on as I test out different types of productivity software.  So far I've tested Google Keep, Microsoft To-do, and Todoist, and you can read up on what I've thought of them through the links.  I'll keep testing throughout most of the year and will keep this blog up-to-date with what's been suiting my personal needs when it comes to being productive.

And that's been my first quarter.  Not as badly affected by Covid-19 as it could have been and it's still been satisfying to get as far forward on these as I have done.  A little bit of positivity for me at least at a time that's looking a little bleak.  How are your goals going?  I hope, despite everything, you've still been managing to tick things off your list to help you move yourself forward.  It's always good to keep yourself busy, even in times like this.

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