
Sunday 15 August 2021

Tidying and Decluttering: Kitchen Cupboards

You know that thing where you're hoping that the few walking trips you have planned will mean that you can completely ignore the areas in your home that need sorting, but then one of you gets injured so that you now have extra time on your hands and no excuse not to do it.  There are two cupboards in my kitchen that fall under this category and, whilst getting a catch practise every time I tried to pull out something is probably quite useful, it really was time to get them sorted.

Before I started I brought some storage items I knew I'd need.  They're not ones that I really wanted, but those would take a while to find and I didn't want to give myself any more excuses.

I also finally brought a stool as I can't actually reach the top shelf, and even the middle shelf is a bit of a push.

The cupboard above the sink where we normally keep the food containers was the one that needed the most work, especially as it has become a catch-all for things that didn't really fit anywhere else.  First thing first, pull everything out and then sort them into categories.

Then get rid of (recycle) anything we hadn't actually used in a while and didn't seem likely to use again.

We had been storing the cooking outdoor gear in the kitchen, but it actually made more sense to store that in the outdoor gearbox in the wardrobe as we never use any of it at home - not surprisingly.

I also moved some utensils, colander, etc into more suitable places.  Which, of course, led to a little tidying up of those areas as well.  Though I tried to keep that to a minimum so that this didn't turn into a mammoth task.

The plastic food containers were organised into the storage bins I'd gotten.  

And everything was placed back into the cupboard in a way that meant it was easy to see where everything actually was.  It looks so much better now, hopefully, we can keep it that way.  One of the great things about those containers is that even if you just throw the stuff back into them you still know where everything is and it doesn't then take up the rest of the cupboard.

Next was the food cupboard.  This didn't really need too much work as we use the items pretty often, but we had gotten into the habit of just throwing the food back in.  We also had some glass food containers we use to use so we could contain the items better actually see what was in there but had stopped using recently.  As before I pulled out everything I could fit on the counter and then organised it into categories.

I used the containers we already had to store our most used items and placed them near the front.  Everything else was then put back into like for like areas.  In the future, I want to get some more storage solutions to keep them more contained, but as this cupboard is less of an issue it wasn't completely necessary right now and I can just pick those up from charity shops as and when I find them.

And that's it.  A pretty quick project really but I now don't feel so bad every time I open up the cupboards and I also don't have to worry about anything falling on me which is a bonus.  Now all I need to do is the same thing in other spots in our home........multiple times.  I'm going to loosely use the word 'fun'.

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