'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Sunday 7 August 2022

Making a Mood Board

Over half the year has gone now and, I'm not going to lie, I'm losing some motivation now to carry on working towards our 2022 goals. I've heard many people talk about doing a mood board to help with inspiration and I thought it might be worth giving it a go. 

One decision to make was where to put the mood board. It's great having it on your tablet or computer but I wanted it to be somewhere where I would see it regularly, especially in the mornings and evenings which is when I normally think about these things.  It occurred to me that the best place would actually be the front of our wardrobe.  It has a good surface area to put things on and as it's located in the main living area we'd see it all the time.

This does mean that the pictures have to be relatively big to be able to see them easily, though not necessarily of good quality which makes things a little bit easier.  I don't have any magazines or anything like that to use and I couldn't find anything in the charity shops that we could use, so I decided that I would need to print some off.  We don't have a printer at home so I just put some pictures together on an A3 size page and send it to a printing company. Might be a little excessive, but it didn't cost too much and if it helps me get motivated I'm up for it.  That should be available to collect at the start of next week and I'll add them then.  For now I've added a picture I love but which the frame broke on and some of my old drawings to remind myself I was alright at doing that type of art and of which a possible secondary income could stem from.  I've also put up a tracker for our four months savings so we can have a more visual show of how we're doing.

I decided to use some of the washi tape I have quite a lot of to put the pictures up rather than blu-tack just to add a bit more colour and to tie all the different elements together.  So hopefully this'll give me the boost I need to keep working on our goals this year. At the very least our wardrobe is much more colourful. 

Little update - this is what it looks like now. 😊

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