
Sunday 13 November 2022

Changes to my Wardrobe

A little while ago I wrote about what my plan was for my wardrobe moving forward.  I'm still working towards this plan, in fact I'll hopefully complete it by the end of this year, but when I was looking at my wardrobe the other day I suddenly realised that I have a lot more clothes than I had originally planned to have or had in the past.

Obviously I also have work gear as my job is outdoors in all types of weather and some additional items like thermals that I keep for work, camping, or if we travel somewhere cold, but I'm not going to include them here.  In fact, the small amount of clothes I have for work compared to the large amount of non work clothes is bordering on hilarious when you think about the fact I spend more time at work.

So, this is my wardrobe right now:

  • Jumpers and cardigans - I now have two cardigans, one for warmer weather and one for colder, and two jumpers, again one for warmer weather and one for colder, all made by me.  There's one more I want to make but that'll be it on the knitted jumpers front.  I also have a fleece which I use when walking and camping, and a hoodie that I like to wear now and then.
  • Trousers and shorts - I have my homemade 1940s style trousers that I basically wear all the time, a pair of outdoor trousers which I usually only wear when we're walking, and a pair of trouser I got from Niger twenty years and which I still wear.  I don't see me ever getting rid of these, they'll have to fall apart first.  I did make a pair of more tailored shorts as I had planned (paperback shorts), but then decided to make a second pair using fabric with the map of middle earth on it for walking in.
  • Skirts - I had only really planned on have one or two of these, but I now have four.  The first is a Ra Ra skirt I've had for years and was made in the UK, the second is a black one that use to be my Mum's which I'd borrowed for a funeral and she'd told me to keep, the third is the skirt I made using the left over fabric I'd had of goldfish fabric, and the last is of course my wedding skirt that I was meant to have shortened already but still haven't had the heart to.  
  • Dresses - this is still the same one as I had before and which I plan to replace with one of the same style I'm making myself so that it actually fits properly.  I had only planned on having one dress but there are some styles I would like to try and make so it might go up to three in the future.
  • Long sleeved tops - I have more of these than I had originally planned with a shirt I brought from Brewdog, one that was brought in support of the British Wildlife Trust, and two other long sleeve tops I had gotten from charity shops as I wanted just some plain styles.  I do wear all of them, but I don't really need this many so I'll just not replace them when they get old.
  • Short sleeved tops - I also have too many of these, but I also wear all of them as well.  I have two pieces that I made which are the wrap top I made whilst trying to work out the top of the wrap dress and of course my wedding top, the rest are either brought mostly to support a organisation, had for ages like the purple top I wear when we go walking, or that I got second hand either from a vintage shop or from my Mum.  As with the long sleeves I just won't replace these as they get old.
  • Strappy tops - I think I have the right amount of these.  A skin toned one which I did buy new as I couldn't find one in the charity shops, a charity shop find that I love but has gotten to manky I should probably throw it out, and a black one I got at Brewdog and which I really love the style of though not all the logos.  I actually think I might make one out of some of the yarn I have left over, but I'm in no rush to do that yet.
  • Shoes - weirdly I have more shoes for warm weather at the moment than cold, but I guess that fits for Devon.  For what I use them for I think I have the right amount, though I probably won't replace ones that get destroyed unless I feel like I need to.
  • Outer wear - this is pretty basic.  A tailored jacket, a waterproof jacket, a zip fleece, and a gilet.  I don't feel like I need anything more than that.
The make up of my wardrobe now (not including shoes and outer wear) is 14 brought new, 6 second hand clothes from charity, vintage shops, or from family, and 11 homemade by me.

I definitely have more clothes now than I actually need, but I do actually wear all the pieces so I don't see me getting rid of any of them any time soon.  I just won't replace them once it's time to get rid of them.  I did think about maybe going for a capsule wardrobe and putting some of the other items away for a bit, but I actually enjoy having the choice and being able to layer up depending on the weather so I don't see much point in that for now.  The next thing I'm going to sew is the wrap dress to replace the one I already own and once that is done I will have completed the list of things I had planned for my wardrobe at the start of 2021 - I managed to get through that a lot faster than I had originally thought.  My ideas for my wardrobe are still the same as then, but it has become bigger than I had planned.  It does make me wonder how it's going to change in the future.

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