
Sunday 11 December 2022

Additional Crafting

I keep remembering, and then forgetting, little crafting things I need to do to finish projects, or make things more wearable, or use up fabric and yarn I have left over from previous projects so I decided to write them down in a list.  It turns out to be a little longer than I was expecting.  My main aim at the moment is to try and get my husband's jumper finished before Christmas, but I might try and fit some of these in now and then as a break from continuous knitting.

The first is some dismantling projects, which includes removing reusable bits from some shorts I made a while ago whilst getting back into using my sewing machine and taking the arms off a t-shirt I don't really wear anymore so I can use it for exercising. 

I also need to fix a couple of finished projects as well.  I noticed a little while ago that one of my jumpers arms is actually on inside out which means that you can see the threads.  I'll need to unpick that and put it back on properly.  I also need to downsize the pompom on my hat I made recently.  I love how massive it is, but it does pull the hat off my head so it unfortunately needs to be downsized by quite a bit.

A project I need to actually finish is my convertible overalls from Simplicity S8447. The trousers are of course finished and I've been wearing them constantly.  I have also finished the top, but I need to change the strap lengths which are actually way too long and I then need to add the hook and eyes that will attach the top and trousers together.  None of these will take particularly long, I've just been lazy about it.

To use up some fabric I have left over from this year's projects I'm going to make a matching tie to my dress for my husband (at his request) and a top using what's left of the dress fabric and the fabric I used for my wedding skirt using the Prima pattern for a fitted peplum top and pencil skirt I'd made my skirt out of before.  I'll need to patch the fabrics together before I cut the pattern, but I think it'll look good.

And finally, to use up the large amounts of wool I've acquired from previous projects I want to crochet or knit a strappy top or two and knit a cover for my hot water bottle so that I don't have to keep wrapping it in a towel every time I use it.  I do also have a ball of wool I brought specifically for making myself some socks and it would be nice to actually get that done.  

It's very unlikely I'll get even half of these done before the end of the year, but I wanted to actually write them down so I wouldn't keep forgetting about them or even think about starting completely new projects.  These will at least give me a break from the neverending knitting in the round that is making a jumper.

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