
Sunday 16 July 2023

Crafting 2023 Update #2

I can't believe that that's half the year gone already and it definitely feels like I haven't managed to do as much crafting this year as I did last.  However, I am still enjoying it and to me that's the main thing.

Completion and Use Up Projects

Managed to cross off another two projects on this list -  the matching tie for my husband using the fabric I had used to make my dress and what was left over from my wedding outfit, and the knitted strappy top.  The top was made using a pattern from Kutovakika called the Lola top and I used the left over wool from the Guarnsey jumper I had made for my husband.

Socks, Mittens, and Cowl

These were a gift for a friend and I wanted to make her matching socks and mittens.  However, I ended up having plenty of wool left over so I also added a cowl to the mix.  It was a little bit of a challenge to make these as I didn't have any measurements to work from so I just had to go with the vague idea that her hands and feet are longer than mine.  I did enjoy making them though, and they helped keep me calm during our move to Wales.

The Maggie and Coddy Jumpers

I now have the yarn for both of these jumpers, which I brought with some of the money I had put aside after doing my tax returns, and I've started the Coddy jumper which is for my husband.  This jumper is made using a cotton yarn and it's been quite interesting learning to knit with this type of yarn as I hadn't done that before.  It definitely slips through your fingers a lot easier.  I did have to unpick some of it though as something wasn't quite right with the pattern section and I could see the black yarn through the white sections.  Once I've completed this one I'll move onto mine, where we're back to good old wool yarn.

The Jabberwocky Embroidery

This one is also completed and didn't actually take me that long to do, just a few nights.  It's not really my style, but I did enjoy doing embroidery again and it's reminded me that it's something I would like to get back to in the future.  It was a pretty good kit as well, with everything you would need to complete your project.  Right now it's sitting with the other sewing that I have completed but haven't gotten around to framing yet.

More Socks

I've had a request for some socks from a friend, so I've added this on as a little side craft that I do whilst I knit the jumper for Ed.  It's another one where I don't really have the measurements so I've having to wing it a little bit.  However, it's a relatively simple knit which means I can give my mind a little break from the more complex pattern knitting I'm doing at the moment.  I'm using my go to Voolenvine favourite socks pattern and the yarn is Regia 4 ply in Leaf.

I guess I've still managed to get quite a few things completed this year, despite it feeling like a slow year.  I don't think I'm going to get all the projects I had planned for 2023 completed, but I'm hoping to finish at least another three before the year it out.  It does all depend on what else is going on though, so we'll see.  Let's still aim for three.

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