
Sunday 25 February 2024

How FlyLady is Going

We've been doing our version of the FlyLady since we moved into our own place together in 2021 and we carried on doing it when we moved from a flat into a small house.  I've adapted what we clean in each zone to work for us and they really are 'zones' for us rather than rooms as our living space is all open plan, except for the bathroom.  I've also now written them out on index cards, rather than have them all digital so that both of us can easily see what needs to be cleaned that week.  Otherwise, this is how it's been going.

A big part of FlyLady is decluttering each zone as you clean and we have been doing that.  I do still feel that we have too much stuff in our little home, but we do use /enjoy/ have a purpose for everything that we have right now.  We just need to make sure we keep this up so that it doesn't become too cluttered in the future.  It doesn't help that there is a whole lot of stuff that came as part of our rented accommodation and which we've had to put into the storage areas we do have, which means that there are more things out than I would like.

Then there's the tidying, which I try to do daily whilst reminding myself that it's a lot quicker to just put it away straight away in the place that we've designated for it.  If there's anything that needs to go up or down stairs I leave it on the stairs and as I move between the levels I carry the items to where they belong.  It only takes a few seconds, but it really has helped keep our home a tidy-looking place to live in.

The rest is about cleaning, with the main areas being cleaned every week and the more in-depth zone cleaning done on rotation.  Though this means I'm not dusting or hoovering all the areas every single week I find that the floors always look clean (apart from right beside the front door) and there is little enough dust that I don't have to worry about it setting off my allergies.  The house as a whole always looks tidy and clean, and that means I can enjoy being at home without having to stress about what needs to be cleaned.

So the FlyLady has turned out to be quite a good find when it comes to keeping on top of the cleaning and tidying, without getting overwhelmed.  It also works really well with how my brain works as I don't have to concentrate on one thing for too long a time, which usually leads to me not doing it very well.  I will definitely be carrying on this system no matter where we live.  After all, who doesn't want to live in a tidy, clean home without having to put too much effort into it. 

Sunday 18 February 2024

Eating Healthy - results so far,

It's been around a month and a half now since we started mostly eating healthy.  We haven't been quite as good as I had originally planned, but I knew it would be unrealistic to expect us to be healthy all the time.  It probably didn't help that I got my period and got ill at the same time, whilst trying to arrange other things.  Then Ed got ill and so all thoughts of healthy eating basically went out the window.

The reasons behind us slightly changing our diet weren't just about eating healthier and hopefully losing some unhealthy fat, but also to help us save some money by not buying lots of unnecessary, usually sugary, food or as much takeaway, to waste less food, and to eat a little more sustainably mostly by eating more seasonal food with less packaging.  

So the plan we've been following is to have seasonal food Monday to Thursday, which we steam and have with a homemade sauce of some kind (based on a video I watched by ?on YouTube.  We've kept Friday night as our usual be an idiot and eat pretty unhealthy things, but really enjoy it.  Then Saturday and Sunday go back to seasonal food, but this time we follow one of the recipes that we like.  This is actually working out quite well and has meant that I've been able to batch-prepare our weekday dinners along with my healthy lunches on Sunday night.  It makes it a lot less stressful during the week when I have less time to cook and means that we are much more likely to actually eat the healthy food we have.

I've also been concentrating on reducing my sugar intake throughout the week.  In the past, I was definitely eating much more sugar than I should have done but now, instead of having something daily, I have it a couple of times a week.  I can still feel the sugar cravings, but I've been doing my best to ignore them and most of the time I've been winning.  I have also reduced the amount I've been eating to a much healthier portion size for someone my height, which has suited me just fine and has actually meant that I've felt less sluggish.  This has all led to me losing some weight, but not a lot which I was expecting as I have gotten back to my physical job again where I'm building back up my muscles.  However, you can visually see that I have lost some fat so I just need to carry this on.

At the moment we're not actually getting bored of this meal plan despite it being pretty similar each week.  Due to that, we're going to keep doing this for a few more months to help us continue changing the way we react to food.  When we do start to get bored of it we'll go back to the recipes that we made before, but just make them a whole lot healthier.  I have to say though, this has been a whole lot more convenient than what we were doing before so I would be very happy to keep this going for a while.  And that means this will keep me eating much less sugar and us spending much less money.

Sunday 11 February 2024

Walking: Brynmawr to Crickhowell

I've been wanting to do some walks that basically involved me walking straight from my front door.  I was having a look at my OS Map, OL13, and saw that I could basically walk from here straight to Crickhowell.  Then I could just get the bus back home.  Unfortunately, I was too busy to do it on the day I had originally planned, so instead I did the walk a week later together with my husband.  I'm not going to lie, this walk wasn't my finest hour when it came to navigating as I didn't really bother concentrating on keeping to the route I had originally planned.  I wasn't hugely bothered as it was a pretty clear day and we were just out to enjoy ourselves, but it's not something I should really make a habit of doing as it could lead me into a dangerous situation.  In the future, I'll concentrate on practicing navigating and actually bother to use my compass as well.  It's not something I want to go rusty.

We started by walking up onto the road that leads to a footbridge at Braemar that crosses the Heads of the Valley road and then east along the new road alignment (not on our version of the OS Map) until we came to the stile that led us onto farmland and back onto the original route.  This bit was a nice gentle start to the walk and got us onto the commons pretty quickly.  The path on this side of the commons is small but still quite obvious - although I did still manage to take us slightly off track which led to me getting my feet very wet.  

Even though the route was supposed to lead us just below the peak of Twr Pen-cyrn, we decided we actually wanted to have a look at the Hen Dy-aderyn cairn at the top and so headed up that way instead.  After having a little nosey around, we headed down the other side and carried on towards the disused Llangattock quarries.  It wasn't immediately obvious which of the paths was the right one and, as I was being lazy on the navigation front, we did take a little detour before getting to the base of the quarry.  However, it was a clear day and the detour did mean we got a really good view of the valley below as well as the Black Mountains and Central Beacons.  We were also enjoying the fact that we were the only people up there - just us, a pretty strong wind, and some horses. 

The path that we were meant to take after the quarry turned out to be difficult to find (although we were able to find the other side) and I'm not into walking right past people's homes if I can help it, so we followed a vehicle track down which connected to the original path that took us along just below the escarpment.  We then followed the path that headed straight down to the bottom of the valley.  This bit was very steep, which would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that it was also quite slippery due to all the mud.  I slipped over a couple of times.  In fact, I was so busy concentrating on not slipping over that I completely forgot to take any photos of that section.  

The last section was pretty much just a road and then pavements through Llangattock and over the river to Crickhowell.  It was a little boring and it's never pleasant on your feet and legs to end your walk on pavements, but it did lead us to a lovely pint.  A very British way of ending a walk.

Despite the detours, this was an enjoyable walk with some pretty amazing views.  The slightly bleak weather made them all the more beautiful and I actually prefer that to sunny, clear days.  We're thinking of going back to the top of Twr Pen-cyrn, via the proper route this time, to have more of an exploration and really get to see what's up there.  We're also going to take a proper look at the Llangattock quarry which is apparently an actual tourist attraction.  However, next time I'll make sure I actually use my compass to properly navigate around.

Sunday 4 February 2024

Rolling Project Pan Update #2

It's been a couple of months now since my last update and I have been wearing makeup again, on and off.  I've gotten rid of a few more items and my makeup bag is beginning to look more like how I want it to in the long run.

The Bain and Saron Vegan Cake Mascara had actually dried up too much for me to use anymore so that's just had to go straight into the bin.  It's a shame that I didn't get to try it out again, but I can't really imagine it would have worked out differently from when I last used it.  Still, it's a shame to throw away so much product.

There are now only two lipsticks left.  The GXVE lipstick in Original Recipe, which I am going to use up and then replace with a lip pencil, and the Beauty Bakerie lip whip in Mon Cheri which I'm in two minds about still.  I wore this to my wedding and I really love the colour so I want to use this up completely.  However, it does come off the centre of my lips strangely during the day and it's quite difficult to get off.  I'm going to keep wearing it for a little bit longer and make a decision then.

I did also get rid of some tools as well as I had duplicates of one item (an eyebrow brush that's in a style that I just don't use), some mascara wands I brought for the mascara cake and haven't used, and an eyeliner brush that I don't need for the style of makeup I do.  I have kept a couple of brushes that I'm not using right now, but that I know I will use in the future as my makeup changes.

I'm also going to get rid of this Lipcote that I bought many years ago as it's supposed to help stop your lipstick from coming off and it does, I just don't use it as it turns out it doesn't actually bother me that much.  This is very old now and I probably shouldn't be putting it anywhere near my lips.

And that's it.  It's probably going to be a while before I do another update on this as I basically have to wait until I've used up some more products.  However, it feels good to be getting rid of things that I'm not actually using anymore instead of just holding onto them out of guilt.  Bye, bye things.