'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Sunday 22 July 2018

Decluttering: Personal & Miscellaneous

So this is the last in the decluttering series using the Pick Up Limes 30 Days of Minimalism.

Non-digital photos are a group that I had already dealt with many years ago when I went through all of them and put the ones I wanted to keep into albums.  At some point I will go through and scan them all before getting rid of them, but I'm going to leave them as is for now.

For the digital photos I've gone through all the ones I've taken and deleted all blurry or just plain bad photos.  I've uploaded all the ones I want to keep on online storage and them deleted them from my phone and tablet.  From now on I'll go through my photos on a regular basis delete ones I don't want and uploading those I do so that the storage on my phone and tablet remain low.

Hobby Supplies
I don't have a lot of these really, but there is much more then I need as had been trying to see if there was a particular hobby I like.  I've realised now that I really don't have time to do these hobbies or, at least, I'm not prepared to make time for these hobbies at the moment.  The two hobbies I do do when I have time is sewing and knitting so those are the only items I've kept, though I have gotten rid of any additional fabric and thread as I'll start any additional projects from scratch.

Sentimental Items
This is a category which I had a number of.  I'm not someone who buys nick-nacks or teddy bears myself, but other people have brought and I've always felt bad about getting rid of them.  However, the truth is I don't really like having these item, especially as I have dust allergies, so I've decided that it's time to let them go.  I've also realised that getting rid of them doesn't make me care about the people who gave them to me any less or appreciate the thought behind them.  They're just not my thing.

Holiday Decorations
I really don't have a large number of these anyway and all the ones I have I use so there wasn't really anything for me to get rid of.

The Car
I didn't have one when I was decluttering so this was a category I didn't need to bother about.

The Mind
This is something I've never been very good at, but this year I've decided to take up yoga (which I do at home) and this should help me with taking time for myself to keep my mind calm and decluttered.

There are many methods around now to help you decluttered your stuff, whether it is the Kon Marie method or The Minimalists packing party, but I thought this was a very good way of going through all your items and making sure you don't miss anything.  Definitely worth giving Pick Up Limes post a look.

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