'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Sunday 24 January 2021

Eating from Redwall


When I was younger I absolutely loved the stories of Redwall, by Brian Jacques.  They fitted perfectly into my sense of adventure and my love of animals.  I found them again recently when I was doing some decluttering and introduced them to my partner.  Discussing them with him reminded me just how much food written about in these stories and I had a vague memory that there was a Redwall.  A little bit of research showed that this was true and was followed by a bit of searching to find somewhere that had it in stock, which was found and the book is now winging its way to me.

The recipes are separated into the seasons and it'll be interesting to see if the ingredients are seasonal too.  My plan is to cook at least one recipe a week from the season I'm in at that moment, and I'm hoping this will give me a bit more variety in my cooking which has become a little bit stuck in the rut of late.  As the food is mostly made by mice, moles, etc I think that most of the recipes will probably be vegetarian, which means I'm not going to have to make too many changes to them to make them me friendly - always good.

I did try and find a second-hand copy of this, but without much success.  However, I do expect to keep and use this book for many years to come and so I'm not feeling too guilty about the purchase.  I'm actually quite excited about its arrival and I'm hoping it'll help me get back to enjoying cooking a little bit more.  Searching for this book has also shown me just how many more books there are in the Redwall series now.  I see a lot of woodland adventures, with accompanying meals, in my future.

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