'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Sunday 23 January 2022

Cooking Redwall: Autumn

Cooking my way through the Redwall Cookbook was another thing that fell to the wayside when my 'I can't be arsed' attitude took over at the end of last year.  Even with all the cute stories that went with it.  So I didn't try as many recipes out of it as I had originally planned to.  There was also a lot more sweet and pudding recipes in the autumn season than I thought there was going to be and I'm not as keen on cooking those.  Recipes I did try, however, were:

Mole's Favourite Deeper 'n' Ever Turnip 'n' Tater 'n' Beetroot Pie
This was basically layers of mashed vegetables with cheese on top.  I did exactly as the recipe said, except change the cheese to a vegan alternatives, and though it was alright it wasn't exactly the most exciting meal I've ever made.  As with most cooking, herbs probably would have helped here, but I'm not sure I'm going to make this again regardless.  I'm just not really a fan of mush.  Sorry Mole.

Bellringer's Reward
Which turned out to be jacket potato with roast vegetables and, let's be honest, where can you go wrong with that.  Despite being a simple dish it was pretty tasty and I'll probably make this again.  Or maybe just add jacket potatoes when I'm doing my normal roast veg.

Brockhall Badger Carrot Cakes
This recipe was actually from the summer chapter, but I didn't make it then as I initially thought it was a cake from the title.  This was very similar to making a hash and was a pretty nice dish.  I added some green vegetables on the side to make it a full meal.  I will probably make this again, but I'm going to try and find a way of making it vegan instead.

Despite not making all the recipes in this cookbook I still really enjoyed it.  I got to break out of the rut I had gotten into cooking and finally try some of the recipes that were in my favourite childhood books.  Obviously they weren't exactly full of flavour seeing as they're actually for children, but there are quite a few that I will make again and I'm even thinking of giving some of the sweets a go as well.  Though maybe not all at once as I'd like to carry on fitting into the clothes I own at the moment.

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