'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Sunday 3 April 2022

March 2022 Budget

Another month and another illness.  This time vomitting, for about a week.  I'm not sure why I keep getting I'll, but it's really not helping with the finances especially as my partner has been unemployed for most of this month.

Unfortunately, this has meant that we've had to take about £800 of our savings to cover our monthly expenses.  It's not good for us building up our savings, but that is what those savings are there for and I'm glad that we have it.  It's definitely made our lives less stressful so it's done it's job.  We have managed to put about £340 back in, but we still have a long way to go.  We've also managed to get our joint account back up to the our planned base, which we've struggled with before, and this should help us cover the main April bills.

This is the last month where we get a break from paying a Council Tax and Water Charges.  This has been a god send for these two months of me being ill.  Unfortunately this won't be the case as of this month so we need to plan for these.  March was also one of those months where all our general bills comes out twice, so it does look a little bit worse than it actually is.

I haven't been able to put the amount into my pension as I had planned either.  Just £200 instead of the £250.  This means that I'll need to increase my payments from now on to reach my yearly goal.  I'm not sure how well that's going to go as I do have a honeymoon coming up next month.

On the plus side, I've managed to pay off all of my credit card so we can put any spare money just into paying up our savings.  We haven't had to use any of our sinking funds as well, which I'm very happy about as the car has been a problem in the past.

We have been better at not spending as much money on takeaways, probably helped by the fact that I haven't been able to eat properly even after the illness had gone.  It's taken a while for my stomach to he able to take food again properly.  I suppose that sort of a good thing.  We've also been better at spending on just general things as well and hopefully we'll be able to keep this going from now on.

Thankfully we already have the wedding and honeymoon money in savings so we don't need to worry about that and can just enjoy those events without the stress of money.  However, we do still need to think about our spending and saving money as my partner won't be getting paid until the end of April, and only for about two weeks.

All that being said, under the circumstances of unemployment and illness we have done pretty well this month to have paid off debt and built up our joint account.  We could have done better and spent less than we did have, but I'm going to take this win.  Especially as I'm still struggling to eat properly at the moment so any win is good for me.  Fingers crossed April will go a little better.

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