
Sunday 10 July 2022

Goals 2022 Update #2

And just like that half the year is over.  Seriously, this year has gone by so fast.  I must be getting old, mainly because I've started talking about how fast time is going.  There's been a few not great things going on in this quarter, though at least we had a nice thing in our wedding, which has made concentrating on reaching our goals a little less of a priority than they might otherwise have be.  That being said, we've still managed to make some progress and I still feel that things are going pretty well.

Financial Fitness
The plan for this quarter was for me to have paid into my pension every pay day for six months, which I've managed to do, and for us to have saved up half of our four months emergency savings, which we have also managed to do.  I'm very proud of us for that and hopefully we can keep this going for the rest of the year.  It definitely feels like we're actually doing well on this front.  I've also put a lot of thought into what type of secondary income I could do.  It's mostly crafting type of things, but I now really need to experiment with these so that I can work out what would actually suit me best.

My plan for the next quarter is to have a good look at more ethical banks to move my own current account to.  It really is time that I took this step.  I also want to use this quarter to really look at the secondary income ideas to see how much of a possibility these could be.  It will entail me having to find the additional time to do it, but it should also be fun and hopefully worth it in the long run.  The last goal for this quarter financially is to have paid into my pension every pay day.  This could be the first year that I actually manage to do this for a full years pay.

Sailing Around the World
The plan for this quarter was to research what type of boat we would like and what would be suitable for just two people to sail and live in.

This coming quarter I want to research about electric motors for sail boats and all the components that you need to have to make this actually work.  Whilst electric motors on boats aren't common they're also not completely rare either so it should be easy to find out about them.  I also want to look at actually booking our sailing lessons so we can see if this really is a viable thing.  However, we will have to see how the finances are doing first before we think about that.

Long-distance Walking
There wasn't anything for us to do on this goal this quarter as we're not really going to do any of these until our financial goals are reached.  However, we have started looking at Offa's Dyke as something for us to do next year.  There aren't any goals for this next quarter either, but if we do have any spare time I think I'll keep researching Offa's Dyke.

Learning New Skills
I was meant to have practiced skateboarding at least twice a month this quarter, but it really hasn't all.  It really is just getting myself out the door that's the problem.  If I could just get myself to do that it would be fine, but it's just so much easier (with less possibilities of breaking something) to be lazy.  I'm not giving up on this yet though, so next quarter I want to aim for at least once a month.  You never know, it could happen.

The last goal was surfing.  I had no plans on this for this quarter either, but I do want to at least start lessons in the coming quarter.  For my birthday my husband brought me a gift card for a local surfing school, so I'm going to use this to book us a private lesson.  We can then take it from there.

All in all it's been a mixed bag when it comes to reaching our goals.  The main one this year was the finances and we're doing well on that front so I'm happy.  If we can get the other goals to follow that would be good and, seeing as there is still half a year to go, that is entirely possible.  I just need to concentrate a bit more and maybe 'relax' a little less.

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