
Sunday 3 July 2022

June 2022 Budget

It almost feels like May was actually a turning point in our finances as June has actually gone pretty well.  This was even against the fact that June is actually quite a busy month birthday wise, so there's a lot of spending on presents and meals out.

Let's start with the usual.  Our credit cards and personal emergency funds are doing well and this is something we're going to aim to keep for the rest of the year.  

Because of how the months are running all the regular bills came out at the end of this month, just after my husband's pay day.  We've been able to build money up to cover these whilst keeping our standing balance in our joint account. Unfortunately we didn't get to put any money into our savings, but that should start again next month.

I've decided to add back the money we have in our joint account to our four months emergency fund as it's always something we're going to have to help out with the bills.  This means that the four month savings is now at £2522, which means we're about £80 of where we want to be half way through the year (something that my next pay with cover).  Hopefully we can put a good amount into this on a monthly basis now to reach the full savings by the end of the year.

I've managed to put money into my pension every week this month, which makes this the first month I've been able to do that on, and I'm very proud of that - go me. 💃

As I said before, we did spend quite a bit on eating out and birthday presents this month, but I did also get money for my birthday which I'm using to get the wool and fabric I need to make the clothes I want to make this year.  We are doing much better this month on spending less on food shops (including snacks we shouldn't really be buying both financial and for our health).  What has really gone up is, of course, the fuel, but there's nothing I can do about this as I need the car for work.  It is really making us think about getting a hybrid car sooner than originally planned though.

So this has been a pretty good month financially, despite all the little pitfalls, and that's made me very happy.  The plan is to keep this going for the rest of the year.  We might need to be a little stricter to actually reach these goals, but it's still a possibility.

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