'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Sunday 19 May 2024

Crafting 2024: Update 1#

As I expected at the start of this year, I haven't completed many crafting projects so far this year.  This is partly because I've put aside a lot less time for crafting, but also partly because of my depression which that I wasn't really in the mood to do anything at all.  I have, however, managed to get a few things done over these last few months and I'm still happy to just let myself slowly work through the projects without putting any pressure on myself to do them at a certain time.  That being said, I have completed one project and have been working through another.

The Maggie Jumper

This jumper did take quite a long time to complete, not because the pattern was particularly complicated but because the stitching was so small that each row took a while to complete.  However, it is now finished just in time for.......some very hot weather that doesn't need a jumper.  I do love it though and it's very soft so I will be wearing it as soon as the opportunity arises.  

Quilling Christmas cards

I started this off really well, making about two cards a week, but then it fell to the wayside and I haven't made any more progress since.  I have still made twelve though, which is about a quarter of the total number I need to make before Christmas.  They are very beautiful and I got the kit off Etsy from the shop TillyViktor.  I would definitely recommend this shop for quilling things, especially if you're just starting out.

My plan next is to make a top using the Grogu fabric.  I have a style in mind, but I haven't been able to find a pattern I like so it's going to be more of a 'winging it' type of project.  After that, I'm going to work on the Field of Fucks cross-stitch, and I'll still be making Christmas cards alongside both of these projects.  So I haven't quite got through as many projects as I have done in the previous years, but crafting for me is all about doing something I enjoy and I'm fine with the idea of not getting as much done this year.  Maybe I'll speed up in the next half of the year, or maybe I'll only get four projects done, and that'll be fine too.

What is left on my list:

  • Sew the Field of Fucks cross-stitch
  • Crochet a crop top with leftover yarn
  • Re-knit the Icelandic jumper in a larger size
  • Knit matching mittens to my hat
  • Sew a left-over fabric top
  • Sew the Welcome to Erebort cross-stitch
  • Sew a Grogu fabric top
  • Sew the cropped trousers
  • Crochet a long-sleeved top
  • Sew the cut embroidered dress
  • Sew an apron
  • Knit the Underwing mitts
  • Knit another vintage cardigan in simpler yarn
  • Start crocheting a leftover yarn blanket
  • Start sewing a leftover fabric quilt

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