'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Sunday 20 May 2018

Book Review: Green Made Easy

This is one of those books I've read a couple of times and actually have on my Kindle.  Not necessarily because it's giving me information I haven't been able to get elsewhere, but because it provides encouragement to keep moving along the path I have taken.

The first thing I should probably mention is that this is a very American based book in the specific information it provides (which may also be slightly out of date).  But the general advice on being more green is still valid wherever you may live, it's just that you may need to do a bit more research yourself on the more local information.

The author Chris Prelitz has been an advocate for green and sustainable living for more than 25 years and is living with his wife in a home he designed and built.  Which is probably why he is able to give such specific antidotes about the things that he's tried and tested in this book.

The books covers all areas of living, from very personal aspects of everyday life such as clothing and toiletries, to more general, home areas such as the bedroom and recycling.  It also has a broader part which goes into detail regarding what you can do at work and when travelling.

All in all it's pretty thorough in covering all aspects of a Western lifestyle and would be great for both those starting out and those who are already carrying out green behaviours but want to take it a step further.  The one down side I would say to this book is the fact that it is written as if you are actually able to make those changes, such as you own your home, have a garden, and get to have a say in how your office is run.  All in all though, I would say this is a good reference book and I'm glad I have it to full back to when I need it.

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