'It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness' Proverb

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Path Work - Coire Odhar, Lairig Ghru, Glen Luibeg, Carn a' Mhaim, and Sròn Riach

It is fair to say that these two weeks of work have been weeks of absolutely stunning weather.  Whilst we did do some stone work adding additional drainage features, the main work over these two weeks were clearing waterbars, cross drains, and lets so I haven't taken too many photos of the actual work. I do have some stunning scenery pictures though, not through any skill in my part just because it's been so easy.  

The first day was spent working up the Coire Odhar behind the Corrour bothy clearing out the drainage features there.  Once at the top I cut off onto the path that leads up to the Devil's Point to check the path lines going up, keeping them clear and easy to follow, and reducing the chance of additional lines appearing on this section.  It's definitely a walk worth doing if you're up this way with a great view of the Cairngorms.  I even got to see a ptarmigan, who practically posed for the photo.

The following day we finished the work that we had started doing on Coire Odhar and made sure that we tidied up the area and landscaped any work we had done, such as covering burrow pits and revegetating areas where we had removed stones from.

We then moved back down to the Lairig Ghru path just where it breaks off to take you to the Corrour bothy and where water has been eroding the path quite significantly.  This section was actually finished the week after, but entailed adding additional steps to the path to hold the surfacing in that section and to push any water on the path down the stone let that was already there.

As we knew the third day was going to be good weather wise it was decided to carry out the work that would take us up to the upper areas of the Cairngorms.  It did mean that that day was a lot of walking.  We started by walking up to the top of Carn a' Mhaim clearing the waterbars on this path as we worked our way up.

This did give me a chance to actually take a photo of the work we had done a few weeks ago when the weather is really bad.  

Once at the top we walked along the ridge checking the path to make there weren't any obstructions which would affect their usability.  The views were amazing from this section, helped by the clear blue skies.  We then cut across to just below the summit of Sròn Riach and then carried on down to Glen Luibeg clearing the waterbars and other drainage features as we moved along.

There were some pretty interesting geological features on this route as well, which is always good to see (for me at least). 

The final day of that week was spent on a section on the Lairig Ghru near Robbers Copse where the path is very stoney and has some issues with erosion.  In this section we added a number of step rises to break up the gradient, making it easier to walk on and reduce the loss of surfacing in this area.  We started the work the first week and finished it in the second.

Unfortunately I then got a horrible cold and missed a couple of days from work, but came back to beautiful weather and blue skies.  We also got to see some deer on the way to Mar Lodge on the first day I was back, and by some I mean around 80 which was a lovely sight.

My first day back on this week was spent clearing the drainage features actually on the Lairig Ghru path itself.  My section took me up to the Pools of Dee.  This is a really beautiful section of this path, though a little hard under foot but well worth the trek.  I did have to resist the urge to paddle in the stream that runs along this path.  

The following day we finished the work by the Corrour bothy I spoke about earlier and then worked back along the Lairig Ghru towards Derry Lodge clearing the drainage features until we reached a section my boss had earmarked as needing work the week before beside a small Lochan.  As with other work we do, this entailed deroughening the area and adding in small step rises (though some of the stones we use are massive) to help with making the path more comfortable to walk on and reducing the erosion on this area. We started this work and mademit safe, but will finish the work here another week.

All in all it's been a pretty amazing couple of weeks, though I have to admit being in the sun without any shade for the whole day has been a little harder then I thought it would be.  Been using a lot of suncream, a lot of suncream. 🌞

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